e: info@disabledliving.co.uk
Monday - Friday 9.00am – 4.30pm
Disabled Living is a registered charity offering services that provide vital information and support across the United Kingdom. We are proud to provide the following services below.
Adapt & Live gives free and impartial advice and information for disabled individuals, older people, and the healthcare professionals, parents, families and carers that support them. They provide accredited training and perform a range of OT assessments.
Bladder & Bowel UK aims to improve awareness and find solutions to bladder and bowel problems across the nation. The service operates a free and confidential helpline and provides education for healthcare professionals through online resources, training and symposiums.
Kidz to Adultz organises large exhibitions across the UK and are dedicated to children and young adults with disabilities and additional needs, their parents, carers and the professionals who support them.
Redbank House offers several well-equipped spaces for moving and handling training and educational courses, events and conferences. It also provides state-of-the-art sensory rooms for people with disabilities or additional needs.