t: 0161 214 4590
e: info@disabledliving.co.uk
Monday - Friday 9.00am – 4.30pm

Moving and Handling Children, at Home and in School

Our training courses are now operated by our new service Adapt & Live

Moving and Handling Children at Home and in School (bespoke 1/2 day)

Bespoke for Your Organisation

Working with children who need assistance to move, needs holistic and bespoke training particular to the person being moved.

We can offer a tailor made course based on the persons current handling plan which will involve the person for part of the session.
If no assessment has been done we can offer a full moving and handling assessment which can then be used to facilitate training and practice.

For further information contact the training team on 0161 214 4590 or email training@disabledliving.co.uk


To enable delegates to handle children more effectively, in their work areas, use safer moving methods in ways which maximise the skills of the child and maintain the safety of the handler.


  • Review current law and guidance relating to moving and handling children
  • Consider factors relating to assessing the Moving and Handling needs of a child.
  • State safe movement and back care principles


Please contact the training team for a quote.

Terms and conditions

Please view the Disabled Living terms and conditions document for our training courses.

