Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month – Together We Can Do More

limbA consortium of UK charities working to support children, young people and adults with limb loss or difference have joined forces to celebrate and promote Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month this April. #LLLDAM
The COVID -19 pandemic has had a disproportionate impact on persons with a disability, resulting in increased isolation and loneliness, with many community members staying at home and maintaining physical distance to stay safe.
Since April is Limb Loss and Limb difference Awareness Month (LLLDAM), we will collectively spend the month raising awareness about living with limb loss and limb difference through our social media channels. We believe that working together we can achieve more and reach more of our collective community members at home when they need us the most.
We hope our presence will highlight the impact of living with limb difference on both the individual and on their family and support network. We will focus on supporting and connecting community members to reduce their isolation and loneliness.
By creating a central online hub for Amputees and those with limb difference to access the right support, and learn more about the organisations which can help them, we can cover a greater geographical spread and community reach, bringing our community closer together.
How you can get involved
You too can help the recognition and celebration of #LLLDAM and #LimbLossLimbDifferenceAwarenessMonth by spreading the word using the Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month social media logo’s and assets.
Please look for updates and campaign materials on our community website and social media channels.
Article written by LimbPower.